As the requirement for robotics research is ever growing from within the country, I am always looking for passionate and dedicated students all throughout the year. There are three ways to work with me:


I am affiliated with both the Robert Bosch Centre for Cyber Physical Systems (RBCCPS) and the department of Computer Science and Automation (CSA). There is no preference between RBCCPS or CSA, and the Ph.D. programs are tailored for their own requirements. A lot of the students who wish to work with me apply to both (each applicant can apply to three departments/centres). My advise is to check the list of courses, and websites of other faculty in the respective departments to see where you fit well.

Ph.D. applications are submitted in the online portal: LINK. The portals open during the months March-April and September-October of every year. Accouncements are usually made here: LINK. Please notify me via email as soon as you have applied.

M.Tech. (research)

RBCCPS has started a new M.Tech program in Robotics and Autonomous Systems. Applications are submitted in the same portal: LINK

Research internship/assistantship

Please fill the form given here: LINK